It also doesn't hurt that Tim Dalton had devilish good looks, a gorgeous voice ... and great legs! Would you believe he's 64 years young today?! (Good grief, that would make AG...)
Want some eye candy now? You bet. Here goes:

Aricia's album of delicious decadence, hot goss and hotter bods, gay goodies, celebs being silly, sweet treats and candy for your senses!
How's this blog rated? You'll see some hot bods on this page, and occasionally it'll get somewhat raunchy. I'd rate this page MA 15+, but you make up your own mind...
To one and all: my most sincere apologies for the patchiness of my posting in the last year. I started the blog when I was something l ike "between jobs," and then scored something like 1.5 jobs at all the wrong hours. There hasn't been time to post, but someone said to me the other day, "Make time." Okay, well that's easier said than done. But I'm going to give it a shot, because I used to love posting here. Beautiful guys, great movies, humor -- how could you go wrong? So let me see if I can get back to you more frequently!
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